No Retainers, No Monthly Fees: You ONLY Pay For Results.

  • $192M+ Revenue Sold
  • >64% Closing Ratio
  • 7 Countries
  • 82+ Teams Built
  • 1,500+ Sales People Trained

A Quick Look At Our 3-Step Process

  • 01

    Weeks 1+2 “Epic Start”: Learn, Train, Repeat.

    We study your product inside out. Then we take your new outsourced sales team through rigorous training, and get it ready for action in less than 2 weeks.

    Weeks 1 And 2 Epic Start Sales Outsourcing Cards
  • 02

    Week 3 “Execution”: Plans into Action.

    Dialing in, selling with precision, closing with intent. Utilizing elite techniques, we transform leads to revenue, extracting wisdom from each interaction.

    Week 3 Execution Of Sales Team Outsourcing Card
  • 03

    Week 4 “Growth”: Bigger Every Month.

    No more “Bad months”. By infusing leadership excellence with advanced data, we build and execute strategies that guarantee consistent monthly growth.

    Get top 1% Sales Teams To Close Your High-Ticket Offers

Your Core Needs Aligned

You Run the Show, You’re the Star. We Run Up the Numbers, We’re Your Sales Powerhouse.

  • Your Sales

    Low sales? We solve this by building top 1% sales teams focused on you. Our proven method guarantees at least 100% sales increase. Guaranteed.

  • Time+Money

    Endless hiring cycles and wasted money? We manage your sales from A-Z on a commission-only basis. Save time, reduce risk, and focus on your core business.

  • The Passion

    Want to focus your passion? We handle sales so you can focus on what you love. With a top 1% team, you’ll enjoy freedom, peace of mind, and a thriving business.

Monthly Sales Overview Expert Sales Group

We Can Help You If You’re Selling…

  • High-Ticket Courses & Mentorship Offers Icon

    High-Ticket Courses & Mentorship Offers

  • Digital Agency DFY High-Ticket B2B Offers Icon

    Digital Agency, DFY, High-Ticket B2B Offers

  • High-Ticket Coaching & Consulting Offers Icon

    High-Ticket Coaching & Consulting Offers

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The #1 High-Ticket Sales Outsourcing Company

Join 200+ Happy Clients

  • Elite Sales Teams
  • 100% Completely Outsourced
  • Fully Commission-Based


Matthew Pollard
Matthew Pollard

If you’re looking for an external sales team to lock in deals, look no further than Expert Sales Group.

Jason Raffaello
Jason Raffaello

Expert Sales Group skyrocketed our revenue from 15K to $500K in mere months. Astonishing!

Artur Butvilovski
Artur Butvilovski

From being burned out with no sales, to a 60% closing rate. They x4 my revenue in 3 weeks.

Ori Zayag
Ori Zayag

In just a couple of months, our monthly sales skyrocketed to $200,000 – That’s 700% growth!

Elad Yagel
Elad Yagel

Sales? Up. Stress? Down. I'm back to coaching, they've got the sales. Now, I can even take a break!

Edward Sturm
Edward Sturm

Life changing. I’m serious. If you’re not with them, you’re leaving money on the table.


Frequently Asked Questions

Check Out The Answers For Some Of The Most Common Questions
  • Is This Just A Recruitment Service?

    Nope. It’s far more comprehensive than just recruitment. While we indeed source the top 1% sales talents, our service encapsulates a holistic approach to sales growth. Beyond recruitment, we provide extensive training, sales strategy development, management of the sales team, and consistent performance reviews. Think of us as a one-stop solution for your sales needs, from finding talent to ensuring they deliver optimal results for your business.

  • Is There A Monthly Retainer Or A Fee?

    Our business model is straightforward: we operate solely on a commission-only basis. That means no monthly retainers, no upfront fees, no hidden costs. We earn only from the sales we successfully close for you. This ensures our goals align perfectly with yours – maximizing your sales. Our commitment is to boost your revenues, and our compensation directly reflects our performance.

  • What happens if a sales rep from your team leaves? Will I be back at square one?

    Absolutely not! Our model is designed for continuity. We manage the entire sales operation, meaning we have backup plans and redundancy measures. If a sales rep moves on, another equally competent rep, already familiar with your business, will seamlessly take over, ensuring no disruption to your sales process.

  • If your team handles the sales, how much control do I retain over the process?

    Your business remains yours. While we handle the day-to-day sales operations, strategic decisions are made collaboratively. We have regular check-ins, updates, and reviews to ensure you’re always in the loop and satisfied with the direction and performance of the sales team.

  • What if I have my own sales team already?

    That’s great! Our services can seamlessly integrate with your existing setup. We can provide enhanced training, resources, and strategies to your team, or bring in additional top-tier talent to complement them. It’s all about flexibility and adapting to what’s best for your business’s growth.

  • How do you ensure that your sales team understands my product/service?

    Every business is unique. Our onboarding process is thorough, ensuring our sales reps become experts in your offerings. They undergo extensive training sessions, product demos, and Q&A rounds, ensuring they can represent your brand authentically and effectively.

  • I’m concerned about relinquishing control of sales. How do I know I can trust your team?

    Trust is foundational to our services. We offer transparent operations, frequent updates, and an open channel for communication. Additionally, our track record, testimonials, and case studies showcase our dedication to our clients’ success. Our aim is to be a collaborative partner, not just a service provider.

  • I’m already making decent sales. How can your team guarantee a 100% sales boost?

    By leveraging the expertise of the top 1% sales talents and combining it with our proprietary sales training and team management techniques, we offer a competitive edge. No matter your current sales figures, our team will elevate and optimize your process. We have consistently boosted sales across diverse industries, so even if you’re doing well, there’s always room for growth, and we can help you achieve it.

  • What if I’m not ready to build a sales team yet?

    Look, being “ready” is a mindset. Unsure? Let’s hop on a call. We’ll lay out easy-to-follow steps to prep you for a powerhouse sales team. I’ve had folks hesitant at first, but after a chat, they were all in. If it’s not for you? I’ll shoot straight and tell you.

Connect With Us

Winners Work With Winners

Start Growing Now!

Is This Just A Recruitment Service?

Nope. It’s far more comprehensive than just recruitment. While we indeed source the top 1% sales talents, our service encapsulates a holistic approach to sales growth. Beyond recruitment, we provide extensive training, sales strategy development, management of the sales team, and consistent performance reviews. Think of us as a one-stop solution for your sales needs, from finding talent to ensuring they deliver optimal results for your business.

Is There A Monthly Retainer Or A Fee?

Our business model is straightforward: we operate solely on a commission-only basis. That means no monthly retainers, no upfront fees, no hidden costs. We earn only from the sales we successfully close for you. This ensures our goals align perfectly with yours – maximizing your sales. Our commitment is to boost your revenues, and our compensation directly reflects our performance.

What happens if a sales rep from your team leaves? Will I be back at square one?

Absolutely not! Our model is designed for continuity. We manage the entire sales operation, meaning we have backup plans and redundancy measures. If a sales rep moves on, another equally competent rep, already familiar with your business, will seamlessly take over, ensuring no disruption to your sales process.

If your team handles the sales, how much control do I retain over the process?

Your business remains yours. While we handle the day-to-day sales operations, strategic decisions are made collaboratively. We have regular check-ins, updates, and reviews to ensure you’re always in the loop and satisfied with the direction and performance of the sales team.

What if I have my own sales team already?

That’s great! Our services can seamlessly integrate with your existing setup. We can provide enhanced training, resources, and strategies to your team, or bring in additional top-tier talent to complement them. It’s all about flexibility and adapting to what’s best for your business’s growth.

How do you ensure that your sales team understands my product/service?

Every business is unique. Our onboarding process is thorough, ensuring our sales reps become experts in your offerings. They undergo extensive training sessions, product demos, and Q&A rounds, ensuring they can represent your brand authentically and effectively.

I'm concerned about relinquishing control of sales. How do I know I can trust your team?

Trust is foundational to our services. We offer transparent operations, frequent updates, and an open channel for communication. Additionally, our track record, testimonials, and case studies showcase our dedication to our clients’ success. Our aim is to be a collaborative partner, not just a service provider.

I'm already making decent sales. How can your team guarantee a 100% sales boost?

By leveraging the expertise of the top 1% sales talents and combining it with our proprietary sales training and team management techniques, we offer a competitive edge. No matter your current sales figures, our team will elevate and optimize your process. We have consistently boosted sales across diverse industries, so even if you’re doing well, there’s always room for growth, and we can help you achieve it.

What if I’m not ready to build a sales team yet?

Look, being “ready” is a mindset. Unsure? Let’s hop on a call. We’ll lay out easy-to-follow steps to prep you for a powerhouse sales team. I’ve had folks hesitant at first, but after a chat, they were all in. If it’s not for you? I’ll shoot straight and tell you.

Expert Sales Group